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fox-manager-2.0-bpa:1.-общая-информация:тонкие-настройки-подключения-к-базе-данных [2020/06/10 23:28] erazorfox-manager-2.0-bpa:1.-общая-информация:тонкие-настройки-подключения-к-базе-данных [2020/06/10 23:31] – [Список доступных настроек] erazor
Строка 193: Строка 193:
 |DefaultCollations|Enables or disables automatic default collations registration on connection establishing. List of available default collations: UniNoCase - allows to compare unicode strings case-insensitively.| |DefaultCollations|Enables or disables automatic default collations registration on connection establishing. List of available default collations: UniNoCase - allows to compare unicode strings case-insensitively.|
 |Direct|If the Direct option is set to True, UniDAC connects to the database directly using embedded SQLite3 engine and does not use SQLite3 client library.| |Direct|If the Direct option is set to True, UniDAC connects to the database directly using embedded SQLite3 engine and does not use SQLite3 client library.|
-|EnableLoadExtension|Enables loading and using an SQLite extension: UniConnection.ExecSQL('SELECT load_extension(''C:\ext.dll'', ''sqlite3_ext_init'');');|+|EnableLoadExtension|Enables loading and using an SQLite extension: UniConnection.ExecSQL();|
 |EnableSharedCache|Enables or disables the Shared-Cache mode for SQLite database. Default value of this option is False.  | |EnableSharedCache|Enables or disables the Shared-Cache mode for SQLite database. Default value of this option is False.  |
 |EncryptionAlgorithm|Used to specify the encryption algorithm for an encrypted database.  | |EncryptionAlgorithm|Used to specify the encryption algorithm for an encrypted database.  |
Строка 201: Строка 201:
 |ReadUncommitted|Enables or disables Read-Uncommitted isolation mode. A database connection in read-uncommitted mode does not attempt to obtain read-locks before reading from database tables as described above. This can lead to inconsistent query results if another database connection modifies a table while it is being read, but it also means that a read-transaction opened by a connection in read-uncommitted mode can neither block nor be blocked by any other connection. Default value of this option is False.  | |ReadUncommitted|Enables or disables Read-Uncommitted isolation mode. A database connection in read-uncommitted mode does not attempt to obtain read-locks before reading from database tables as described above. This can lead to inconsistent query results if another database connection modifies a table while it is being read, but it also means that a read-transaction opened by a connection in read-uncommitted mode can neither block nor be blocked by any other connection. Default value of this option is False.  |
 |TimeFormat|Defines the format for storing time in the database. If it is not specified, the default hh24:mi:ss format will be used.  | |TimeFormat|Defines the format for storing time in the database. If it is not specified, the default hh24:mi:ss format will be used.  |
 +|CipherLicense|To use the SQLCipher Commercial Edition library for encrypting SQLite database files, insert your SQLCipher license key into the field. Note that the option is not available in Direct mode.|
 +|ConnectMode|Specifies which user privileges to use when accessing a SQLite database. Supported values: **cmDefault** (default) Connect with default permissions. **cmReadWrite** Connect with read/write permissions. **cmReadOnly** Connect with read-only permissions.|
 +|NativeDate|If the option is set to True, the date and time values will be stored in the database in the native SQLite format, and when retrieved, they will be converted to the TDateTime type. If set to False, no conversion to the TDateTime type will be made. The default value is True.|
 |UseUnicode|Enables or disables Unicode support. Affects character data fetched from the server. When set to True, all character data is stored as WideStrings, and TStringField is replaced by TWideStringFiled.| |UseUnicode|Enables or disables Unicode support. Affects character data fetched from the server. When set to True, all character data is stored as WideStrings, and TStringField is replaced by TWideStringFiled.|
fox-manager-2.0-bpa/1.-общая-информация/тонкие-настройки-подключения-к-базе-данных.txt · Последнее изменение: 2024/05/12 19:35 —

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