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fox-manager-2.0-bpa:1.-общая-информация:тонкие-настройки-подключения-к-базе-данных [2020/06/10 23:28] erazorfox-manager-2.0-bpa:1.-общая-информация:тонкие-настройки-подключения-к-базе-данных [2020/06/10 23:29] erazor
Строка 193: Строка 193:
 |DefaultCollations|Enables or disables automatic default collations registration on connection establishing. List of available default collations: UniNoCase - allows to compare unicode strings case-insensitively.| |DefaultCollations|Enables or disables automatic default collations registration on connection establishing. List of available default collations: UniNoCase - allows to compare unicode strings case-insensitively.|
 |Direct|If the Direct option is set to True, UniDAC connects to the database directly using embedded SQLite3 engine and does not use SQLite3 client library.| |Direct|If the Direct option is set to True, UniDAC connects to the database directly using embedded SQLite3 engine and does not use SQLite3 client library.|
-|EnableLoadExtension|Enables loading and using an SQLite extension: UniConnection.ExecSQL('SELECT load_extension(''C:\ext.dll'', ''sqlite3_ext_init'');');|+|EnableLoadExtension|Enables loading and using an SQLite extension: UniConnection.ExecSQL('');|
 |EnableSharedCache|Enables or disables the Shared-Cache mode for SQLite database. Default value of this option is False.  | |EnableSharedCache|Enables or disables the Shared-Cache mode for SQLite database. Default value of this option is False.  |
 |EncryptionAlgorithm|Used to specify the encryption algorithm for an encrypted database.  | |EncryptionAlgorithm|Used to specify the encryption algorithm for an encrypted database.  |
fox-manager-2.0-bpa/1.-общая-информация/тонкие-настройки-подключения-к-базе-данных.txt · Последнее изменение: 2024/05/12 19:35 —

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