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fox-manager-2.0-bpa:1.-общая-информация:тонкие-настройки-подключения-к-базе-данных [2020/06/10 23:10] erazorfox-manager-2.0-bpa:1.-общая-информация:тонкие-настройки-подключения-к-базе-данных [2020/06/10 23:24] erazor
Строка 164: Строка 164:
 |Charset|Setups the character set which will be used to transfer character data between client and server.| |Charset|Setups the character set which will be used to transfer character data between client and server.|
 |ConnectionTimeout|The time to wait for a connection to open before raising an exception.| |ConnectionTimeout|The time to wait for a connection to open before raising an exception.|
-|IPVersion|Use the IPVersion property to specify the Internet Protocol version. The default value is ivIPv4. **ivIPBoth** Specifies that either IPv6 or IPv4 Internet Protocol version is used. Note: when the TIPVersion property is set to ivIPBoth, there occurs an attempt to connect via IPv6 (if it is enabled in the OS); if the attempt fails - there occurs an attempt to connect via IPv4. **ivIPv4** Specifies that the IPv4 Internet Protocol version is used. **ivIPv6** Specifies that the IPv6 Internet Protocol version is used.  +|HttpPassword|Use the HttpPassword option to specify the password for HTTP authorization.| 
-|ProtocolVersion|Set the ProtocolVersion to pv20 to work with PostgreSQL servers 7.3 or lower that don't support the 3.0 protocol.  |+|HttpTrustServerCertificate|This option specifies whether or not the driver should trust the server certificate when connecting to the server. The default value is False – the driver won't trust the server certificate and will verify validity of the server certificate instead. If set to True, the driver will trust the server certificate.| 
 +|HttpUrl|Use the HttpUrl option to specify the URL of the PHP tunneling script.| 
 +|HttpUsername|Use the HttpUsername option to specify the username for HTTP authorization.| 
 +|MessagesCharset|Specifies the character set that will be used to transfer error messages from the server to the client.| 
 +|IPVersion|Use the IPVersion property to specify the Internet Protocol version. The default value is ivIPv4. **ivIPBoth** Specifies that either IPv6 or IPv4 Internet Protocol version is used. Note: when the TIPVersion property is set to ivIPBoth, there occurs an attempt to connect via IPv6 (if it is enabled in the OS); if the attempt fails - there occurs an attempt to connect via IPv4. **ivIPv4** Specifies that the IPv4 Internet Protocol version is used. **ivIPv6** Specifies that the IPv6 Internet Protocol version is used.| 
 +|ProtocolVersion|Specifies protocol version to be used when several versions are available. Supported values: **pv20** Set ProtocolVersion to pv20 to work with PostgreSQL server version 7.3 or older that don't support protocol version 3.0. **pv30** Set ProtocolVersion to pv30 to enforce protocol version 3.0. **pvAuto** (default) Set ProtocolVersion to pvAuto to automatically select between protocol versions depending on the specific query for the best possible performance.| 
 +|ProxyHostname|Use the ProxyHostName option to specify the host name or IP address to connect to the proxy server.| 
 +|ProxyPassword|Use the ProxyPassword option to specify the password for the proxy server.| 
 +|ProxyPort|Use the ProxyPort option to specify the port for a TCP/IP connection with the proxy server.| 
 +|ProxyUsername|Use the ProxyUsername option to specify the username for the proxy server.|
 |Schema|Use the Schema property to set the search path for the connection to the specified schema. This setting offers a convenient way to perform operations on objects in a schema other than that of the current user without having to qualify the objects with the schema name.| |Schema|Use the Schema property to set the search path for the connection to the specified schema. This setting offers a convenient way to perform operations on objects in a schema other than that of the current user without having to qualify the objects with the schema name.|
 |SSLCACert|The pathname to the certificate authority file.| |SSLCACert|The pathname to the certificate authority file.|
Строка 171: Строка 180:
 |SSLChipherList|The list of allowable ciphers to use for SSL encryption.| |SSLChipherList|The list of allowable ciphers to use for SSL encryption.|
 |SSLKey|The pathname to the key file.| |SSLKey|The pathname to the key file.|
-|SSLMode|This option determines whether or with what priority an SSL connection will be negotiated with the server. If PostgreSQL is compiled without SSL support, using option smRequire will cause an error, while options smAllow and smPrefer will be accepted, but PgDAC will not in fact attempt an SSL connection.  |+|SSLMode|This option determines whether or with what priority an SSL connection will be negotiated with the server. Supported values: **smAllow** Negotiates trying first a non-SSL connection, then if that fails, tries an SSL connection. **smDisable** (default) Only an unencrypted SSL connection will be attempted. **smPrefer** Negotiates trying first an SSL connection, then if that fails, tries a regular non-SSL connection. **smRequire** Tries only an SSL connection. **smVerifyCA** Verifies server identity by validating the server certificate chain up to the root certificate installed on the client machine. **smVerifyFull** Verifies server identity by validating the server certificate chain up to the root certificate installed on the client machine and validates that the server hostname matches the server certificate. Note: If PostgreSQL is compiled without SSL support, using option smRequire will cause an error, while options smAllow and smPrefer will be accepted, but PgDAC will not in fact attempt an SSL connection.
 +|UseHttp|The UseHttp option enables the use of HTTP tunneling to connect to the server. The default value is False.| 
 +|UuidWithBraces|Use the UuidWithBraces option to specify whether the values of UUID fields are returned with braces. The default value is True.|
 |UseUnicode|Enables or disables Unicode support. Affects character data fetched from the server. When set to True, all character data is stored as WideStrings, and TStringField is replaced by TWideStringFiled.| |UseUnicode|Enables or disables Unicode support. Affects character data fetched from the server. When set to True, all character data is stored as WideStrings, and TStringField is replaced by TWideStringFiled.|
fox-manager-2.0-bpa/1.-общая-информация/тонкие-настройки-подключения-к-базе-данных.txt · Последнее изменение: 2024/05/12 19:35 —

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